Our Hyundai Automatic Changeover Panels (ATS) are comprised of high-quality branded genuine components and are made in the UK, ensuring durability and longevity. They are single phase and rated at 115A.
Due to component supply & failure issues in October 2022 we took the decision to drop our budget ATS panel offering from the market & now concentrate on building these panels with market leading Lovato control gear, this includes the contactors, timers & failure relay. Sometimes quality comes at a little extra cost but we feel as this product is such an integral part of any installation the small uplift in cost to avoid un necessary failures is worth the investment.
This panel is used for automatic switching between Mains & a Standby Generator.
1 Phase + Neutral 3 Pole (230V) or 3 Phase Automatic Transfer Switch which is also Known as an ATS Panel.
The Automatic Transfer Switch Control Panel has two-time control relays for on load delay.
The 1st Timer normally set to 10s and is used to control the Mains on load / Restoration period, this controls the period the Mains supply has to be healthy before engaging the Mains contactor.
The 2nd Timer normally set for 30s controls the generator settling period, this time period ensures the generator has run up to speed and has stabilised before any load is applied to the generator.
On failure of the Mains supply, this initiates a volt free contact (N/O) start signal to the generator.
Upon the generator starting the 2nd timer will initiate, Then after this period, the generator will then go onto load.
The Automatic Transfer Switch will monitor the Mains, as soon as the mains is restored it will drop the generator contactor and initiates the 1st timer sequence, then switch automatically back to the Mains supply,
Once the load has returned to the Mains supply the generator start signal is removed and the generator will settle.
Automatic Transfer Switch Full & Basic Specification Explained
Phase Failure / Phase Sequence Relay (Standard)
Mains – Primary On Load Delay Timer, user adjustable 0.3 Sec & 30 hours.
10 Amp Auxiliary Output Terminals for Battery charger.
Secondary - Generator Warm-Up Timer, user adjustable 0.3 Sec & 30 hours.
Mains Auxiliary Contacts Terminals ( N/O Contact )
Generator Auxiliary Contact Terminals ( N/O Contact )
Mains Failure Simulation Switch ( Auto Test )
This is a Mains Simulation Test Switch that you can simulate a mains failure from the switch on the panel door.
LED Indication Labels - Available & On Load Options
Mains / Generator, Primary / Secondary, Supply 1 / Supply 2
Any Other options available upon request
IP65 Mild Steel enclosure, with removable bottom gland plate
Battery Charger
20meters of cable to connect generator & ATS
Provided with a 12-month warranty ( extended warranty available)
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